USA & Canada: +1-800-872-6667

International: +1-832-872-2222

Ambulance USA Providers


Ambulance USA is a Transportation Management Organization (TMO) with over 20 years of experience in EMS and International Logistics, serving hundreds of customers worldwide in the identification, arrangement, and coordination of ground transportation. We partner with thousands of medical transportation providers throughout the world to help provide punctual, high-quality, and cost-effective services.

Our expertise is in identifying, coordinating, and organizing private pay scheduled non-emergency medical transportation with a strong emphasis on aviation-related ground ambulance support.

We serve our global clients through a worldwide network of quality ground transportation providers. We consistently look forward to expanding and enhancing our relationship with our partner transportation providers and clients worldwide. 

Our excellent communication, common sense, and practical system ease the frustrations of dealing with third-party payers by offering quick payment with claim submissions by email, fax, or old fashion mail.

We value our Providers Partners’ time, quality, and loyalty by ensuring they receive all calls in their assigned coverage areas. Your organization will benefit from increased utilization and better communications through our EMS transportation specialist’s precise and efficient dispatch system.

To become part of our global provider’s network and ensure our effectiveness to process your invoices quickly, please click button below:



    • Domestic and International Air Ambulance Companies
    • Private Pay Individuals & Institutions
    • Hospitals, Medical Centers
    • Rehabilitation Centers
    • Workers Compensation Management Companies
    • International Liason and Medical Concierge
    • Embassies and Consulates
    • Repatriation Organizations
    • International Medical Assistance Organizations
    • Medical Tourism & Travel Assistance
    • Healthcare Provider Industries
    • Organ Procurement Organizations
    • Hospital Social Workers
    • Discharge Planners, and Case Managers


    • United States (most metro areas)
    • Canada
    • Mexico
    • Central America
    • The Caribbean
    • Latin America
    • Western Europe
    • Asia
    • Middle East
    Our Commitment Ambulance Transportation is Our Passion


    At Ambulance USA, we are committed to listening to our customer’s needs and concerns. We believe in effective communication as a way to prevent errors, save time, and unnecessary spending. We strive to perform each task to the best of our abilities and provide practical service solutions with an experience that is not only efficient and professional but enjoyable.

    We hope you enjoy our services as much as we enjoy offering them to you. Ambulance Transportation is our Passion. We would love to be your Medical Transportation Provider in healthcare for many years to come.


    CEO, Founder,

    Ambulance USA, LLC.